Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, November 12, 2007

Unrestrained laughter

"The Sarah Silverman Program - Season One" was over in a single recumbent Sunday - episodes, extras and selected commentaries. Whatever Amazon US charged my credit card, 'twas a bargain. Sarah, her sister and their friends play Sarah, her sister and their friends in a song-studded, "Seinfeld"-meets-"South Park" sitcom of political incorrectness gone madly entertaining. Silverman the character is an infantile egomaniac to rival "The Office"'s David Brent. Silverman the actress has the magnetic charisma to make the offensive funny and get away scot-free.

Reading: "Newtype USA" (November 2007); "Doctor Who: The Price Of Paradise" by Colin Brake (Doc Ten, Rose, natives, a foundling, explorers and guardian beasts on a "perfect" planet that quite evidently isn't).

Crunching: Texas BBQ Sauce Pringles.


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