Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Experiment V

I watched zero TV from Monday to Sunday, instead recording all of the programs I like to my Foxtel iQ box. The lesser model of their PVRs, it holds 100 hours of SD broadcasts. It was a tabula rasa when I began this experiment and is now displaying "3% free" (despite, I note, somehow forgetting my "series link"-ing of "X-Play"). That figure is misleading - partly because I habitually add 20 mins to the end of each show lest it run long, but also 'cos past experience has indicated it's only a rough estimate. Suffice it to say, though, that I now have a televisual archive comparable to the collection of magickal tomes hidden beneath Vatican City ;-) My goal is to view as much of it as I can in a single day. Why? Probably the laziest way I can answer that is in point form:

* Because Mt Everest is there
* To force myself to confront the amount of telly I consume - as when Gillian McKeith shames obese folks by placing their entire weekly diet on a table in front of them on "You Are What You Eat"
* So as to allude to a genius Kate Bush song, AND
* For the sheer, mad challenge of it! (Which included the formidable task of keeping my ears corked to news about the football codes.)

I'll check in at 9pm with my results. Don't fret, I won't be staring slack-jawed at the boob tube for 12 hours straight. Besides reheating tucker, scoffing and washing dishes, I'll be playing "Castle Ravenloft". I was so impressed with this modular, "D&D"-light boardgame when TC acquainted me with it yesterday morn that I bought a copy on my way home. As it's a co-operative game - that sees adventurers taking on the vampire Count Strahd and his minions - for the scenarios designed for 2-5 players, I can control every character without conflicts of interest. (Its attractive dungeon tiles, miniatures and various cards and counters already litter my coffee table, thanks to a midnight conquering of the introductory solo quest, "Escape The Tomb", using the ranger Allisa.)


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