Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, January 17, 2020

Gleaning the cubes

While at PAX, my workmate AH purchased some sort of tabletop-gaming lucky dip. Among the contents was a packet of "Doctor Who"-themed Rory's Story Cubes, which he kindly gifted to me.
The face of each cube represents a being, other object, place or situation. The instructions stress that these are simply a guide, e.g. The Master could stand for any mad scientist.
The idea is to roll the cubes like dice, group them into three lots of three, then use those trios to tell a tale with a beginning, middle and end. OK, let's give it a crack...
For the record, those nine faces represent (left to right, top to bottom): Sontaran, Choking, Sonic Screwdriver, Adipose, Guillotine, Custodian Helmet, Psychic Paper, Silurian, Planet.


Once upon space and time, a Sontaran playfully throttled Steven Moffat for overusing the sonic screwdriver and turning it into a magic wand. During the confusion, the Cuteness Police took the opportunity to behead every last Adipose. Fortunately, that's where the violence stopped as Madame Vastra used the psychic paper to prove Silurian ownership of Earth, then she and Jenny Flint lived happily ever after. And Strax, too. Actually, for continuity's sake, let's say that he did the pretend choking earlier. So it was basically a Paternoster Gang adventure where we rid ourselves of the Adipose. Hooray!


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