Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, March 12, 2022

No wuzzers

In Australia, we use the phrase "No worries" a lot...

Speaker 1: "The boss said to mow this whole paddock before the rain hits."

Speaker 2: "No worries."

If we want to emphasise that whatever is being discussed won't be a problem, we might say, "No fuckin' worries!"

If we want to emphasis the fact less rudely and more amusingly, "No wuckin' forries!"

Over the years, this has been shortened to us often saying, "No wuckers!"

I sometimes use a corrupted form of the above - "No wuzzers" - just because I like the sound of it.

Or, because I am of a certain age, with three younger sisters, I may even tell you, "No wuzzles, mate."

Righto, let's go mow the guts out of that paddock before it pisses down.


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