Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, December 05, 2008

Doc Five in Oz (possibly)

Piked on a colleague's birthday. Unwound after my 50-hour week by reheating pizza (sausage, pepperoni and mushroom), activating a sixpack (James Squire's limited-release Sundown Lager) and jellyfishing on the couch to watch soccer (Adelaide United 6 - Wellington Phoenix 1*) and read the revamped "Data Extract #198". Inside the zine was a flyer for a function entitled "Peter Davison: The Fifth Doctor Downunder", to be held somewhere in Sydney on March 22 next year. As PD bailed on an earlier convention (work commitments) and I'm not familiar with the organisers (Culture Shock Events/Friends Of Science Fiction), they won't be receiving my $60 for a while yet. Gimme a venue and confirmation from Davo closer to the date.

*5/7 goals scored by Brazilian imports, trivia buffs.

I've only just begun: "Doctor Who: SnowGlobe 7" (2008) by Mike Tucker. And already I know I'm not gonna enjoy it half as much as "Wishing Well". Sigh.


At 1:27 PM, Blogger Kamuke said...

Sundown Lager? Any good?

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Addster said...

Yes and no. Initially, the three bottles I drank at a leisurely pace were very refreshing. Then, despite chasing them with a couple of big glasses of water, I got a shocking headache. It's only 4.4% or thereabouts...


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