Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Movie review: "Twilight" (2008)

The gist: Forks, Washington has perpetually grey skies and dense green woodlands. The locals are a friendly, multi-culti bunch - well, apart from the suspiciously pale and aloof Cullens. When teenager Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) comes to live with her dad, she manages what no girl in school has done before and catches the intense gaze of Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Does he wanna kiss her or kill her? Turns out it's a bit of both.

Selling points: Transfuses new blood into the classic vampire love story without resorting to excess FX or painfully hip dialogue. The dreamy romantic stuff is balanced by just the right amount of mystery, rivalry and action; the standout sequence being the supernatural baseball game. While not all the humour is intentional - Mr Cullen looks like he showers with talc - the dry wit of Bella's father Charlie (Billy Burke) will grow on you.

It’s kinda like: The stranger-in-a-strange-town atmosphere of 1987's "The Lost Boys". The headstrong innocence of Jennifer Connelly as Sarah in 1986's "Labyrinth". The vaguely clownish hair and make-up of early era Split Enz. And the potentially tragic romance between TV's Buffy and Angel.

Final word: For the emo and the emo at heart.

[Australian cinema release date: December 11]


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