Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, February 07, 2009

About last night

Lunchtime drinks ("first to five") at the Mac begat post-work birthday drinks for NP at the Civic and no dinner, which ultimately led to a pilgrimage to one of those Darling Harbour nightclubs with AH, DP and three pretty ladies. Except our group got separated. Then, while contact was being re-established, it suddenly occurred to me that I was over my limit, exhausted and there was a taxi parked 10 feet away... Awaking at midday in a sweaty heap on the lounge, The History Channel broadcasting in the background, I was surprised to find myself relatively unscathed.

Studying: "D&D 4E" module "Menace Of The Icy Spire", which I shall be running.

Adoring: Lindt Pear Intense dark chocolate with slivers of pear and almond.


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