Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, March 13, 2009

NRL season!

Head honcho David Gallop couldn't have scripted a closer, more exciting and auspicious start to the rugby league year than Storm 17 - Dragons 16, Broncos 19 - Cowboys 18, Jace Beleren 5 - Chandra Nalaar 5. Er...better make that NRL/planeswalker season. (I declined to conduct an 11th, "golden point" duel.)

Reading: "Hyper #186".

Listening: Anal-retentively reorganising my CD collection, I saw and suddenly felt nostalgic for "XO" (1998) by Elliott Smith.

Telstra rudeness in a nutshell: A telemarketer of theirs attempted to woo me from my present phone/Internet supplier. The attosecond I said, "I won't make a decision right now," they hung up without another word!


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