Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, June 03, 2011

Consummate amateur

[Unfinished musing found on my work computer:]

My favourite Smiths song at the moment is "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others". At face value, it appears to be about breast size, especially when taking into account the extra verse introduced by Morrissey on the lone occasion it was performed live, which begins "On the shop floor/There's a calendar". But it doesn't require much Googling to realise that opinions vary. While most commenters agree it is about literal rather than figurative women, many argue that the boobular interpretation is overly simplistic. Some contend that the "bigger" refers to body weight or perhaps social status, which may explain the "Some girls' mothers" part. Others claim it's "bigger" in the sense of magnanimity or the capacity to love.

[Where was I going with this? I don't remember.]


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