Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Praise Vectron!

Walked to Angelo's Portugalia in Kensington with an appetite that'd been building for eight hours. Began with a Sagres pale lager and a bowl of garlic mushrooms in a chilli cream sauce garnished with spring onions. The mushies were mindblowing and I spooned up every skerrick of sauce. Next was a Sagres Preta dark ale and a plate of "bacalhau a bras", a Lisbon dish of scrambled eggs mixed with shredded cod, potato and onion, topped with black olives and parsley. Hearty and delicious - I could eat it on a regular basis. (On the side, perhaps unnecessarily, a bowl of pea and carrot rice that I believe was cooked in chicken stock.) Dessert was a glass of port and a creme caramel that had a hint of orange about it. What a meal! I'm still on a high. Can't wait to return there and try the peri-peri chicken livers, the homemade pickles, the char-grilled rump, the rest of the booze menu...

TV: UFC Sweden 2
CD(s): "E For Everyone" (2010) by Kirby Krackle and triple-disc special "Doctor Who - Love And War" (2012) adapted by Jacqueline Rayner. Lisa Bowerman's voice, will you marry me?
iPad: "Broken Sword - The Shadow Of The Templars (Director's Cut)". Been meaning to point'n'click my way through this mature mystery since Conan were a lad. Quite challenging.
Fat gut: Half-price Easter choccies


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