Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, May 30, 2015

The freedom of starving wolves

SBS 2 has started showing "Attack On Titan" late on Friday nights. Having sampled the manga, I wasn't surprised by the humanity-under-siege-from-ravenous-giants premise. No, what struck me about the anime was the opening song. If the station's subtitles are to be trusted, the lyrics are a koquillion miles from the upbeat rhymes attached to the majority of Western cartoons -

"Unknown are the names of the flowers that have been trampled
Birds have fallen to the earth and long for the wind
Prayers won't solve anything
Only the will to fight can change here and now!
Oh, pigs, who laugh at the resolve to walk over corpses to move forward
Livestock complacency? False prosperity? Give us the freedom of starving wolves!
The humiliation of being caged is what triggers us to fight back
We hunters slaughter prey beyond the castle walls, consumed with surging bloodlust, as our crimson bows and arrows pierce scarlet holes into the twilight."


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