Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Confession time

"The unexamined life is not worth living," Socrates supposedly declared. But what did he think about wallowing in the past? Buggered if I know. I should read more classical philosophy and do less wallowing. Nevertheless...

Twice I have been "out on the town", inebriated, and have had the girl I was talking to compliment my wristwatch.

Twice I've removed said timepiece and given it to the lass in question. To keep.

Why? Maybe because I'm a generous drunk. Perhaps because I vividly remember my father and one of my uncles boozily swapping watches when I was a child. Possibly 'cos I once read the Lonely Planet guide to Fiji (then went somewhere else), in which travellers were warned not to praise anything too much or the owner would feel obliged to give it to them - a concept I REALLY liked. Maybe I did it because I'm a fool.

On the first occasion, the girl had her friend return the wristwatch to me the following day.

In the second instance, that didn't happen. The next time I saw the lass, she half-heartedly said, "I should give you that watch back."

"Nah, don't worry about it," I replied.

Leave that to me and Socrates.


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