Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

I blame Bowser

RS and I hired a golf cart to navigate Western Plains Zoo's 6km circuit, taking turns to drive it between animal enclosures. At one point, we returned to where we'd parked the thing only to find it had vanished. We couldn't understand how or why this had happened, and were unsure what to do next. RS wanted to notify a zoo staffer, but there were none about. I suggested we go look at some other nearby critters and hope the vehicle reappeared in the meantime. Eventually, we checked the car park again and found our missing ride in a different spot. The coffee cup that had been sitting in the holder when we rented it was gone, replaced by a used tissue. We were later informed that the ignition keys aren't unique; that there are basically three variations. So was our cup-coveting, runny-nosed cart shifter just stupidly lucky or were they up to mischief? Personally, I blame Bowser.


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