Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Just went out to clean and refill our three bird baths, because you're not meant to use the garden hose between 10am and 4pm. Regret to report Mosquito Season is already in full swing. Must have killed a dozen of the tiny pests that landed on my arms and legs...which probably means I missed half a dozen that bit me. There's little we can do about this annual plague of miniature vampires. OK, we can avoid letting water pool in containers other than the bird baths, to deny them additional breeding spots. But given that this suburb is surrounded by rivers, creeks and wetlands, we're really on a hiding to nothing. Five minutes down the road is Hexham, which has a giant mosquito named after it (the Hexham Grey), and a lawn-bowling club whose mascot is Ozzie The Mozzie!


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