Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Australia's hidden witches?

Finished an OpenLearn course (my 39th) entitled "A Spiritual Revolution? Wicca And Religious Change In The 1960s". In the final section, the course's author(s) noted that according to the 2011 UK Census, there were more than 55,000 peeps who identified as pagans in England and Wales, making it the seventh-largest religion in the UK. I checked the religious-affiliation data from the 2016 Australian Census and found there was no category for Paganism. Presumably, those who try to follow the oldest ways were included in Other and/or No Religion, the latter somewhat vaguely also covering "secular and other spiritual beliefs". Our next national census is being conducted this August. Maybe Aussie Wiccans and other pagans will receive greater recognition this time 'round. Maybe they aren't fussed.


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