Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, January 04, 2023


Ever been walking along a city street with a friend and have a person come up and call them by a name you don't recognise? I have. It's disconcerting to say the least.

Was thinking about awkward, "imperfect information" situations like this earlier today.

Another time, in high school, I went to a mini-golf place with a mate to play the arcade machine "Sinistar". The dude behind the counter started talking to him about an incident that had occurred there and asking how much trouble he'd gotten into with the police. My buddy had never mentioned it.

When I reflect, there were several of these sitches in my yoof, where you suddenly realise there's major shiz you don't know about. Some I won't recount. I'll list one more...

Ever discovered much later that a gift you valued and used a lot - in my case, a pair of Smiths albums - weren't bought or even shoplifted, but were stolen from a stranger? :-(


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