Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Thursday, April 04, 2024

10,000gp richer

It's the 40th anniversary of the sixth Fighting Fantasy gamebook, "Deathtrap Dungeon". Woulda been at least 30 years since I last opened my copy. Gave it a reread today to mark the occasion. Died three times and accidentally lost my place once before emerging victorious from the famous labyrinth.

Some thoughts: From a 2024 perspective, the monsters are mostly pretty basic (the wonderful bloodbeast being an exception - blisters bursting to reveal additional eyes is unforgettably gross). The main gem-collecting task is tricky but not too cruel, unlike similar puzzles in later FFs. What makes the book such a winner, though, is the atmosphere. You really do feel like you're competing against other adventurers, and the moments where you encounter/interact with them are still great 40 years on.

The events of "Deathtrap Dungeon" actually commence on May 1, but I couldn't wait until then. I'm sure there'll be something else to document on DGN on that date. Workers unite! And dungeoneers fight!


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