Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

The psi-man

During my failed attempt at a Computer Science degree, I was for a while lectured by a fellow with a single name. He complained to us about how hard it was to get the bank to accept his lack of surname (they insisted on putting a series of Xs). While obviously brilliant at his subject, he'd digress onto topics such as Irish singer Sinead O'Connor or the Marvel comic "Groo The Wanderer". He never wore shoes. Once, when he was apparently sucking on a sweet, a wag called out, "I hope you've got enough of those for everyone!" The eccentric dude removed a glistening black object from his mouth and replied, "It's a rock. Do you want one?" Could it possibly have been true? When not delivering no-fools-suffered explanations or closing assignment boxes the *second* the due time arrived (traits that made him hated but also grudgingly respected), he reviewed SF/F novels for the local newspaper. I was jealous of this. Eventually, I'd review for them myself, though I was generally only given the dross no-one else wanted. Mates who made it past first year told me the single-named fellow grew easier to deal with later in the degree - or maybe you just got used to him.


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