Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Recent viewing

* "Decision To Leave" (2022) [Kanopy]: To borrow a phrase... A heart-breaking work of staggering genius.

* "Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes" (2024) [Disney+]: Superb, ape-tastic opening downhill to familiar ending.

* "Mission - Cross" (2024) [Netflix]: Enjoyable action comedy. (Husband with secret past.)

* "Saint Sinner" (2002) [DVD]: Dull, gross, never-believable SciFi Channel production.

* "Wishmaster" (1997) [Prime]: B-grade shitshow endurable thanks to copious effects.

<<< Pick of the bunch is "Decision To Leave". >>>


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