Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Back to the "Future Sight"

The theme decks for the "Future Sight" expansion had been magically gathering dust on my Magic: The Gathering shelf. I'd put 2-3 hours into playtesting them, but was in no rush to spend the additional 5-6 required to finish the job. Then the "Lorwyn" set, with its sumptuous illos and radical Planeswalker cards, was released. Having learnt from Pink Floyd's "The Wall" that you can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat, I knew I wouldn't allow myself to purchase the sweet new expansion until I'd made proper use of the previous one.

I slowly, carefully pitted deck against deck as...Marillion's mature and moving "Somewhere Else" (their 14th album!) lit up the CD player...a televised poker tourney came and went..and a string of "Star Trek" episodes on the SciFi Channel had me warming to that franchise again ("Deep Space Nine" is still its creative zenith).

I won't go into the rules additions for "Future Shock" as they're either one-word terms for existing concepts (eg. non-flyers who can block flyers now have "reach") or variations on a theme (eg. "fateseal" cards let you "scry" your opponent's library). Better I just print the results, so you know which theme deck has the greatest claim on your cash.

1ST: "Future Shock" (G/R versatile fatties and direct damage) - 3 matches, 6 games
2ND: "Rebels Unite" (B/W weenie swarm (using the rebel search ability) and creature control) - 2 matches, 6 games
3RD: "Suspended Sentence" (B/U bounce, critter kill, discard and morphing) - 1 match, 3 games
4TH: "Fate Blaster" (U/R deck searching, d/d, evasion creatures) - 0 matches, 3 games


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