Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, March 16, 2009

The unoriginal

I was invited to a media screening of "The Uninvited" and, despite the quality cinematography and solid performances from Elizabeth Banks and Oz's Emily Browning as suspicious stepmother and fetching ingenue, respectively, I was unimpressed. It was basically a series of familiar tropes/stolen scares with a twist that may have redeemed proceedings were it not functionally identical to the reveal of a very famous supernatural thriller. That "T/U" is a remake of an acclaimed Korean film, "A Tale Of Two Sisters", changes zip. It matters *how* you adapt.

Reading: "Bleach #26", "Jack Of Fables #5 - Turning Pages".

Listening: "Electronic" (1991) by Electronic. New Order's Bernard Sumner and The Smiths' Johnny Marr, with some assistance from those Pet Shop Boys. A pop masterpiece, now and forever.


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