Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Start spreading the news...

...I'm leaving tomorrow for my mate AG's wedding in Coffs Harbour. It's 10.5 hours north on a Greyhound coach and nine hours south again on a CountryLink train (on Tuesday), and I aim to use those trips and any other downtime to reread all three volumes of Guy Gavriel Kay's '80s fantasy masterpiece "The Fionavar Tapestry". To which, I now discover, his 2007 novel "Ysabel" is connected, making it a must-buy-ASAP. But I digress. The ceremony is on Sunday morn, in the C/H Botanical Gardens, followed by a reception at the local RSL. The Weather Channel forecasts a summery swelter, so it's as well the dress code is what Alan Partridge would term "sports casual". Both AG and his intended have BIG families and I expect a strong police and Salvation Army presence (his colleagues and her relos, respectively). I'll know literally five souls, but a few quick bevvies should quell my fear of "stranger danger". If I'm lucky, the Manny Pacquiao/Miguel Cotto fight will even be screening somewhere within the club. I've set aside Monday for recovering from the inevitable hangover and having a stickybeak around town. The Big Banana is a distinct, kitschy possibility. Haven't been there since I were a nipper. Beeswax as usual on Wednesday. There, that saves me messing about with Internet cafes or those standalone terminals (in hostels, travel agencies, etc.) that use proprietary cards. I may - ie. will - tweet occasionally from my mobile, though.


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