Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Flyaway strand

I plan on abstaining from alcohol for a while. For the detoxification aspect and 'cos I'm sick of remembering drunken conversations where I was spouting rubbish. It's not me - or rather, it's not the me I want me to be. But before I enter my dry spell (shades of "I'll start the diet next week"...), I have a final grog-centric appointment to keep: a rendezvous with DJ, DQ and DW. DJ and I went to private school together from kindergarten through to university (minus Years 5 and 6, when I shifted elsewhere). DQ and DW I met in Year 7 and they were also on the scene to college and beyond. Given that one musketeer now lives o/s and the three of us here reside in different towns, it's rare that we're all in the same place at the same time - and something to be celebrated. That place and time is Raymond Terrace tomorrow evening and the celebration will unavoidably entail formidable quantities of liquor. So don't expect any of my DGN pages to be updated 'til Tues. or Wed. I'll be busy sobering up and shaking my head at whatever nonsense I said.


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