Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Cardenio" recovered

Watched an old episode of "LA Ink" that made me LOL hard. A dirty-haired emo kid got a leg tattoo from Corey of a frog riding a rearing horse, beneath the banner "Ahoy, Butternuts!" He expained it was to commemorate his childhood pet, a Clydesdale (Butternuts) that died of a heart attack - with a smile on its face - after eating pizza out of the trash. The frog supposedly stood for "The Muppet Show", which inspired him to sing. The fact that, under questioning from Pixie, he eventually admitted it was all a joke just made the tatt funnier. Corey gave the frog a holstered sixshooter and a bandolier of bullets.


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