Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Muahahaha! Did you actually think that you could..., etc.

I call dud on "Duel Decks: Knights Vs Dragons". After 20 carefully considered games, where mana screw/flood hands were permitted a free mulligan, the white (splash green) pile was winning more than Charlie Sheen - 16 comfortable victories versus four defeats that tended to be much closer. Now, maybe I'm better at playing warriors than wyrms. Or maybe Knight Exemplar and her cohorts are banging seven-gram rocks to give them tiger blood. But it feels like the mono-red deck, while it contains hella powerful cards (eg. Mordant Dragon), is just too slow for the cheap, synergistic humies and mix of removal/protection pitted against it.

Witness the scores (kniggits on the left): 29 - 0, 7 - -3, 18 - -3, 13 - -3, 14 - 0, -8 - 5, 34 - -2, 30 - 0, 20 - -2, 13 - 0, -5 - 1, -4 - 11, 17 - -4, 20 - -18, 25 - 0.

Buying this standalone release is a waste of money unless it's to bolster your collection because you don't own a lot of the inclusions.


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