Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Contagious moon bacteria

I like Scotsman Robert Florence's in-your-face critiques - the way he hammers home his points with an often humorous but always informed logic. I was a regular viewer of "VideoGaiden" on the BBC website, then PG gave me a disc (missing, presumed lent) with the earlier videogame review show "Consolevania" and I enjoyed that, too. But somehow RF's short-lived excursion into boardgames, "DowntimeTown", passed me by until late the other night. It's great. You should stride purposefully to and inspect some of the videos. The one about "Horus Heresy" might be a suitable starting point. Then again, it might not.


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