Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hunting high and low

So SC has me playing the "free" web-based Flash game "Card Hunter" ( It roughly equates to old-school "Dungeons & Dragons" meets "Advance Wars" by way of "Magic: The Gathering", i.e. dungeoneering rendered as 3D-ish turn-based combat where the available actions are the cards in your hand (from each character's deck). Don't worry, it works - after an intimidating intro, you're allowed to assemble a party from scratch and the clever control method soon becomes second nature. In the past few hours, my band of elves (all named after types of moss) have been rapidly clearing lairs, filling in the world map, blinging out their adventuring gear and upping stats. The looming question is how far I'll be able to progress without investing real money - and whether, when I reach that point, doing so will seem like a fair deal. "Card Hunter" gets a tentative 7/10 for now. It's definitely worth a look, for the retro art and deliberately dweeby humour alone.


At 4:29 PM, Blogger Shane Cubis said...

As far as I can tell, it's totally free to play to the end of the campaign, but you have the option of paying for extra content. One of these options is to pay $25 for a "Basic Set" that unlocks 12(?) extra adventures and gives you some pizza to buy other stuff.

I read an interview with one of the designers and he was clear about not wanting to force people to pay...but to encourage them to pay if they feel the game is worth it.


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