Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Unusual proposition

I was due for a haircut and a classmate had recommended a certain barber shop, so I went there on the way to uni.

While the barber was snipping away, the twice-my-age, twice-my-size dude in the chair next to me began making chitchat. His cut was finished first, but he hung around. I assumed he was one of those folks who love a natter.

Then my cut was finished, and I paid and left.

The chap followed. "What are you up to now?" he enquired.

"I've gotta buy some cheap sunglasses," I answered truthfully, if - in hindsight - extremely naively.

"I might come along."

That made me slightly nervous, but we were on a main street, in broad a free country. Anxious to get away from the dude and onto a bus ASAP, I wasted no time once we reached the bargain store in selecting a pair of black plastic shades.

"They look good," he commented.

After handing over the $10 (or whatever the sunnies cost), I was ready to bolt to the bus stop.

"I've gotta go to uni now."

"You don't want to come back to my place and watch dirty videos?"


"Are you sure?"


And that was that. Well, except for the wondering.

Had my classmate suggested a barber shop that was a pick-up joint? Was the chap an undercover cop trying to catch hustlers? Or was I just sending the wrong signal in my Doc Martins, skinny black jeans, faded band T-shirt and flano?

Nah, we all wore that in the early '90s.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Shane Cubis said...

Imagine what a love story you could have lived!


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