Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, December 04, 2020

Sonic temple

I was eight or nine when I received "Sonic Invader". My Atari 2600 lay in the distant future, so I made the most of the handheld. It was colourful (faked with screen overlays) and noisy (sound effects plus little ditties). I adored it! The maximum score of 199 wasn't tricky to attain with spare lives. Before long, I could do it every game without dying. Then on the advanced setting. Even holding the unit the wrong way round. Later, I experimented with clocking it in the minimum number of waves of aliens. The lower they got, the more they were worth. I was zapping each enemy just before it invaded, along with any bonus-point UFOs that appeared. However, playing with the zone above your ship obscured by cardboard proved a step too far.


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