Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Thursday, November 04, 2021

41 winters!

My subscription copy of "Australian Personal Computer #500" arrived yesterday. Bloody amazing for any magazine to last 41 years, let alone one about technology. I bought my first "APC" in the mid-'80s. In our coastal community, there was no store that sold blank disks and I desperately needed a 5.25-inch floppy to, erm, make a legitimate backup of "Winter Games" (which my mate had just got). We were blessed with a newsagency, though, and the then-latest issue of "APC" had a lovely Verbatim DataLife attached to the cover. While it was a relatively expensive way to secure a disk, I rationalised that I was also gaining something to read. Not that I understood half of the articles - a situation that hasn't changed today. But buy it I did, and I was soon playing "Winter Games" at home (rather than only at my mate's place), and I've felt goodwill towards "APC" ever since. Long may it continue! P.S. There are some nice nostalgia pieces in "#500", along with all of the usual features, news and reviews.


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