Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Tooth of the matter

When I was a primary schooler, half of one of my front teeth was broken off in a classroom accident. There was concern it would die and turn black. A relo had been to the holy Catholic site of Lourdes, France, and brought back a bottle of the local water. On a visit to my Grandma's house, some of that was applied to my broken tooth. It miraculously grew back! No, I'm only joking. But neither did it blacken and die. When I had it capped, the dentist told us the break *just* missed the nerves. Dad bought me a digital watch.

For the record, the cap lasted four decades! It only fell off during the current pandemic. There was no accident this time. I wasn't eating a toffee or doing boxing sparring. It simply came away. Maybe there'd been initial smaller pieces that I hadn't noticed. I can't tell you because I didn't notice them. I'm in no hurry to get the tooth recapped as I barely leave the house/yard. Yep, modelling career very much on hold. Could do with an Olympic swimming pool full of Lourdes water for my various other physical complaints, though.


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