Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, April 08, 2022


In tabletop role-playing, TPK stands for Total Party Kill. It means that the entire adventuring party has been wiped out, either due to their own stupidity, the GM's callousness or a combination of the two.
The piccy above is from a Polish gaming site, and the miniatures are the work of a very talented artist who goes by ctan.

TPK should not be confused with TDK, a trusted brand of audio cassette.
Thinking back to my youth, when we played "D&D" every weekend (and even more frequently in the hols), I don't have any enduring memories of TPKs. They must have happened, though, because more than one of us owned the notorious trap-fest "S1 - Tomb Of Horrors", which I know no group of ours ever successfully made it through.
A different type of Total Party Kill once occurred at a mate's birthday bash. Someone cut themselves, went into a bathroom and carelessly dripped blood across toothbrushes and whatnot. My buddy justifiably turfed out all of the party-goers and called it a night.
To end on an upbeat note, here's a funny song about a TPK to the tune of "Jingle Bells". It was released by the also very talented Ginny Di last Xmas.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Shane Cubis said...

I was picturing that party story happening when you were a teenager... then realised it was MY birthday! Can't remember who bled all over my toothbrush though :D

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Addster said...

Pretty sure it was a friend (or friend of a friend) of one of your flatmates. Don't think it was any of the old Wollongong crowd or our other close pals.


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