Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, August 18, 2023

Wurds 3D

I've mentioned previously that I binned all of my youthful poetry in my twenties. From time to time, a couplet will float back into mind. There was a poem that alluded to the signal employed by Judas when betraying Jesus to the Romans. I wrote:

"He was kissed over the shoulder / By a protege grown bolder."

What was that particular poem about? I honestly couldn't tell you. I believe the "over the shoulder" part was to do with Judas not being able to look Jesus in the eye. Dunno that it works. 

I had some oddball ideas when it came to fitting subjects for poetry. Like the fallen angel, trapped here on earth, realising it had had no choice in rebelling - no free will, only a role to play in a cosmic lesson. Controversial! Also: what a little weirdo.


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