Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


I wasn't an early mobile phone adopter. Before I moved to Sydney, I was living at home again, where there was a family mobi used to arrange meeting places/times. Even after I made it to the Big Smoke, however, it was a while before I got my trusty Nokia 3210. This morning, I was hit by a funny memory from the period in between. There was a gal I wanted to ask out on a date, so I *borrowed* an acquaintance's phone to call her. Never thought about him keeping her number (which I had written on a scrap of paper) or her thinking his was mine. I rang and asked if she would like to go to Taronga Zoo on the coming weekend. She wouldn't; she was shifting sharehouses. But she was happy to go for a drink on a different day. Which we did. And on maybe two more dates following that. Mobile phones, eh?


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