Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Continuing the theme

Have heard a few folks speaking of late about what sort of computer equipment they had at school. Here's my annotated list.

Infants & Primary: None. Nor was their absence ever questioned. In my primitive understanding, computers were banks of blinking lights only found in spacestations/spaceships. (Slight exaggeration.)

Junior high: A lone Apple IIe materialised in the library foyer midway. This at a private college I had to ride a packed bus for an hour-plus to attend. Meanwhile, my bestie travelled 10 minutes to a public school with a *network* of MicroBees. When he talked about fun things like hacking into workspaces, it was almost more than I could bear.

Senior high: A room full of XT PCs. Pretty sure they were XT and not AT, although I could be wrong (was there a mix?). In the 1-unit course, we farted about with a word processor, spreadsheet and database. In the 2-unit course, they actually learnt some Pascal. A kid with an IBM compatible at home who snuck in crappy CGA games was a hero.

University: The Internet. Nuff said.


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