Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Thursday, July 06, 2006


That tasty iced tea I mentioned in a previous posting is Oishi Japanese Green Tea Genmai Flavour. I know because I restocked today. Genmai - isn't he the panda from the manga "Ranma 1/2"? :-)

Current brain age: 23. Almost optimum! But seriously, my mind hasn't improved that much in such a short time - I've just gotten better at manipulating the game. The same thing happens if you practise IQ tests, as I found while at uni. I borrowed a few books full of sample papers from the library and soon became familiar with the types of puzzles/tricks used. By the end, I was achieving IQ scores that were waaay inflated.


At 1:51 PM, Blogger Addster said...

Can't touch you on the maths stuff, but I managed 25/30 words this very morning. My strategy is to convert the second-fourth columns into a series of short word pictures, eg. "kick duke", "slip knee". And/or into pairs of like words, eg. "back-sack", "kiss-kill" In the last 30 seconds of the countdown, I learn the first column by rote and continue repeating it out loud as I write.


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