Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"Union" rep

"Union" was the first Yes album I ever bought, back when I'd just crossed the border into the fantastic land of prog rock, and it remains my fave - a joyous journey of unexpected twists that never loses its ability to uplift.

"Union" was almost spoiled for me, though. I gave my copy to a girl I went out with a few times. I realised she didn't appreciate it (indie chick), but there are no take-backs with gifts. And pride wouldn't let me buy a replacement.

"Union" was an embarrassment, regret and hole in my collection until I recounted my pathetic tale to my friend PG, who produced a new copy on our next meeting. Now it's back where it oughta be - in my CD player, on repeat!


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