Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


We're giving away a couple of those XXXX Gold Beach Cricket Sets in the magazine and the task of carrying them several blocks from the sports store to our prize cupboard fell to CM and myself.

The kits aren't super-heavy, but they are cumbersome. It takes a fair-sized box to hold a bat, ball, stumps, bails, bag and artificial "switch" pitch (used to provide bounce on the sand).

CM opted to transport his set under one arm; I went for the on-the-shoulder method preferred by builders. I'm proud to say neither of us bumped or hindered a single person along the way.

Which is a miracle, really, considering no-one made the slightest effort to allow us any extra room. I know we're talking about the CBD in the afternoon, but what about common courtesy?

I had several people cut in front of me, forcing a sudden halt. Others couldn't wait to overtake - and slow right down. Then there were the groups determined to occupy ALL of the footpath.

Ultimately, it's no big deal as we didn't allow ourselves to get flustered and made it back without incident or injury. But just because you live in a city of strangers doesn't make rudeness acceptable.


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