Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's in a name?

I use an alias at the laundromat. It wasn't intentional. The first time I left a bag of washing there, I filled out the card by putting my surname first. Dunno why. So that's what they called me (dropping the "s" on the end). I didn't point out the error 'cos I thought it was cool having a secret identity. I kept meaning to... Eight years later, it's too late to speak up. As well as the laundry staff, one or two locals I've met while doing laundry know me by the wrong name - including a 40ish woman I chat with at the bus stop now and then. Unless I'm mistaken, she was on the verge of asking me on an innocent sort of date yesterday. Which is also cool. But what will happen if I reveal the deception? I'll look like a total shonk, that's what!


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