Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The breathtaking blue

Three a la carte meals, two free flicks - 06's "The Sentinel" (presidential security run'n'gun nonsense) and 07's "Dan In Real Life" (soul-gladdening family/relationship drama. Steve Carell is tremendous!) - plus a '50s/'60s rock show by Roland Storm (who plays a Roland keyboard) and the seven-piece house band.


I didn't choose this cruise for the four-star luxury. I really wanted to do what I did earlier: stand on the uppermost deck, turn 360 degrees and see only an immensity of perfect water.

* They sell certain US snacks, eg. Cinnamon Teddy Grahams and Snackwell's Creme Sandwich Cookies.
* I've switched to Carlton Cold which provides more alcobang for the same bucks.


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