Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dwarf lord

This one's hazy because it was about 33-34 years ago... How I picture it now is that three of us kids walked into the dingy video arcade ("pinnie parlour" in the parlance of the time) adjoining a local takeaway joint, and there was a little person standing on a stool to play an upright machine. Kid #3, who I wasn't really friends with and who had no filter, thought this was hilarious and stood there pointing and laughing at the bloke. Kid #2, who I was friends with, recognised the dwarf as someone who, despite his size, had a reputation for being a badass. (Whether accurate or not, I have a mental image of a black belt with silver metal studs.) Without breaking from his game, the bloke turned around and growled, "GET HIM OUT OF HERE." Kid #2 hurriedly ushered kid #3 from the room, and I went with them.


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