Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, December 08, 2021


Running an errand, saw a striking blonde in overalls and a white T-shirt opening a boutique. She placed a sign outside the store that read, "Nothing haunts you like the vintage you don't buy."

Later, watering the garden, I disturbed a dragonfly that had been resting somewhere in the dense foliage of a fern. It buzzed around my head as if scolding me, then disappeared up into the sky.

Later still, there was a question on "University Challenge" about Timbuktu. Answered it instantly, having recently listened to a podcast about the city. (Got 13 right, below my average for this series.)

If someone wants to sell me a vintage sculpture of an irritated dragonfly made in Timbuktu, this blog entry will have a good ending. Otherwise, it's just moments.


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