Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, July 23, 2022

"I'm glad she won"

This happened when I was in Year 3 or 4. Our classwork was interrupted by another teacher coming in to speak with our teacher. Such intrustions usually betokened something major, so I tried to overhear what they were saying. I only managed to catch the last sentence: "I'm glad she won." Later, word got around the playground that a pair of siblings had been pulled out of school. A basic understanding of the concepts of divorce and custody led me to conclude that the "she" in question had been victorious in court and was taking her children away from their father. I was wrong. I don't know if the dad was in the picture or not, but it eventually came out that the lady had actually won first prize in Lotto. It had begun in NSW in 1979, and this was either '80 or '81. Why striking it rich led her to remove her kids from our school, I cannot say. It was a relatively safe school with a high standard of education - apart for the occasional interruption.


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