Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Professional dreamer

On Wednesday night, I dreamt I was working as an undercover journalist, alongside a woman I knew years ago in real life. We were trying to expose corrupt landlords by posing as renters. We borrowed a fellow journo's pitbull to complete the picture of a young couple.

On Thursday night, I dreamt I was the manager of a female basketball player. A superstar, but with a wild, partying side that I struggled to keep in check. I regularly had to bail her out of trouble and try to spin things positively to the media. Is this even what a manager does?

Last night, I dreamt I was part of a privately financed team deciphering ancient languages using traditional methods combined with an artificial-intelligence program we'd created. And we cracked one! It was the language of the Mogwai creatures from the "Gremlins" flicks.

Why is my mind doing this? I have serious difficulty sleeping and rarely do so for longer than two hours at time, which is why the above scenarios aren't very developed. Still, it's a nice change from my usual surreal dreams and nightmares. I wonder what job I'll be in next.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger Addster said...

Answer: Saturday night's job was police detective, investigating the suspicious disappearance of a pupil from my old senior high. A subplot saw me teaching fellow cops how to play "D&D". I bought each of them a set of dice of a style/colour to match their personality. I think it was my tedious explanations of every dice-set choice that caused me to wake up.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Addster said...

Last night (Tuesday), I had yet another alternate-career dream. I was helping grade theses for Belgian maths PhD students. Not the mathematics itself, but the English translation. For some reason, they had to submit their papers in two languages. There were a few legitimate breakthroughs - it was deemed a "golden generation" for Belgian maths. On a lighter note, one joker's thesis used modelling to predict, with remarkable accuracy, his own grade and those of all of his fellow students. My brain boggled.


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