Dork Geek Nerd

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Thursday, July 07, 2022

Crocodile gods, spirits and monsters

The ancient Egyptians worshipped the crocodile-headed god Sobek, who besides the obvious associations of mighty power and protection also symbolised fertility.

In Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" novels, there's a crocodile god named Offler. He has more to do with fried sausages, which his devoted followers offer up (then eat themselves).

I couldn't find an example of a crocodile spirit in Aboriginal Dreamtime lore. I'm sure there must be one. Instead, I found an origin myth. A great fisherman was murdered and wrapped in his net. His grieving wife was fatally entangled in a net as well. They didn't truly die, however. The pair transformed into the first crocodiles in a part of Australia, their net-wrapped skin becoming plated crocodile skin.

No dice - so to speak - on an original crocodile deity for "D&D", either. There is a monster called a behir that's a cross between a croc and a centipede. And breathes lightning. What a nightmare! Said critters were created by storm giants to fight their dragon enemies and are effectively gods as far as low-level parties are concerned.

"M:TG" has multiple mundane crocodiles, along with spirit, skeleton and zombie varieties, yet none of them are terribly impressive (unless I'm forgetting some obscure legend card). I feel like there's an opening there waiting to be filled. Possibly with fried sausages.


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