Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, October 10, 2022

Just beet it

Once, back when I was working in the same office as PG, he declared he had a craving for beetroot. Since I was planning to walk to the nearby cafe and grab a juice, I offered to get him a beetroot sandwich.

"Yes, please."

Unsurprisingly, such a thing wasn't on the menu, but I knew they had beetroot for their hamburgers. I asked the cafe lady if she'd put some on a sanger, explaining that my workmate was craving the stuff.

Not only did she say yes, she told me her mum had made her beetroot sandwiches - white bread, lots of margarine - all the time as a kid. She was clearly chuffed to have the chance to do the same for someone else.

So PG got his food fix and the lady got to relive a happy memory :-)


While typing the above, I recalled that beetroot sandwiches featured in the "Adrian Mole" books by Sue Townsend. Bert Baxter, the old-age pensioner who AM helps out, is fond of eating them - leading to a lot of clothing stains (and a lot of bitching about said stains).

Could you live on beetroot sandwiches like BB? Probably not, but beetroot *is* pretty good for you, containing carbohydrates, protein, folate, manganese and more. Like many naturally dark-coloured foods, it's considered heart-healthy.


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