Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Monday, April 24, 2023

Little river, big needle

DQ and I were reminiscing about ill-chosen subjects and uninspiring teachers from junior high. It brought back the memory of an ungraded, compulsory music class I had in which the teacher pretty much just showed us Little River Band concert vids. Not that I minded. It was a good bludge, as we liked to say back then. The same teacher chewed out a problem kid for drawing a detailed syringe that took up most of the underside of his forearm in heavy blue biro. Said kid responded by threatening to involve his father: "My old man will punch the **** out of you!" They grow up so fast. Ahem. Here's LRB with arguably their finest song, "Help Is On Its Way" -


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