Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tanks for the memories

I drew a lot as a kid. Mostly vehicles. Mostly trucks and spaceships. And an aspect to which I always paid copious attention was the fuel tanks. For whatever reason, I was fascinated by the concept, especially the fact you could choose to carry extra fuel, e.g. jerry cans on Land Rovers. Fuel tanks featured in a number of my formative videogames. "River Raid" [VCS], "Scramble" [arcade] and several driving titles [various] all had them as key elements. That probably added to their importance when it came to sketching an 18-wheeler or starfighter.

These days, I mainly think about human fuel, i.e. food. I lately experimented with two meals per day instead of three. I rarely eat snacks, so it wasn't a trivial change. Couldn't quite make it work, though. Note: I am fully aware that even two meals per day would be a luxury in parts of our planet. You will never ever see me leave food on my plate to be thrown away. On a lighter note, writing this has made me remember a T-shirt slogan sometimes sported by aging blokes (with a larrikin streak) at barbecues: "This isn't a beer gut. It's a fuel tank for a sex machine."


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