Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Interacting with the environment

Much as I hate being swooped by magpies in nesting season (August-October), I adore the yodelling sound they make. These birds are numerous in my suburb and there are usually some hunting for insects in the nearby park. Being the annoying fellow that I am, I've discovered if I give an extended up-and-down whistle (hard to put into words, demonstrations available on request) as I walk past the 'pies, I can usually coax one of them into producing a yodel. Makes up for all the times they've sent me running from their territory waving a backpack/umbrella/big stick over my head :-)

In other news... Detox proceeding well. Brain age now officially 20 (it tricks you by saying 78 first, then changing its mind). Remembered 26/30 words (knew two more but the program kept thinking my "J" was an "S" and I ran out of time :-( ).


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