Dork Geek Nerd

"Rational romantic mystic cynical idealist"

Friday, December 22, 2006

Attack of the Ladyboys!

After our last-day-of-the-working-year lunch - a Chinese banquet at BBQ King at the company's expense - the plan had been to adjourn to the bohemian decay of the Hollywood Hotel, there to enjoy a drink known as a Ladyboy.

As it happened, there was a switch and a hitch. We ended up at a pub called the Civic, which is closer, though prone to yuppie infestation. And due to my currently being on medication, I was unable to indulge in said bevvy and could only provide immoral support for DL, CM and SC.

The Ladyboy is the invention of TV personality Alan Partridge (who in turn is the invention of British comedian Steve Coogan). It was created when, in an attempt to bond with a couple of blokey blokes in a bar, Alan came up with what he hoped was an impressive drink.

It consists of: a pint of beer, a gin'n'tonic and a small glass of Baileys Irish Cream. The trick is that you can't down them one at a time - you have to sip the beer, then the Baileys, then the g'n't. Then repeat.

From the facial expressions I witnessed and the comments uttered by my three colleagues, it's a vile combination. The lads found the Baileys ran out long before the other two brews, but CM and SC kept things nice and silly by pouring their remaining g'n't into their beers.

Unlike Mr Partridge, all three survived their Ladyboys without falling asleep on the bar or wandering into the kitchen to be sick. Well, they hadn't when I left.


At 1:42 AM, Blogger Peter Pan said...

Ladyboys are vomitous ..... its the gin that kills me......


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